Report Management Made Easy!

Printing Crystal Reports from the Ripplestone Scheduler

By - Jeff
02.02.16 04:26 PM

When trying to send a Crystal Report directly to a printer from the Ripplestone scheduler, you will need to change some settings to allow the scheduler service to have permissions to the printer.

Changing the Login for the Service

By default the Ripplestone scheduler runs as a local system account.  This account usually doesn’t have permissions to print to network printers.


To allow the service to have permissions to print, change the Log On to a user that does have permissions.  This will require a re-start of the service.



Install the Printer on the Ripplestone Server

To make sure that the server has the correct driver you will need to install the printer on the Ripplestone server.

By installing the printer, you should also get the printer to display in the drop down list of available printers.  If the printer doesn’t display in the list you can type in into test box to the right of the drop down.


Make the Printer the default printer

If the Crystal Report has the No Printer option selected on the Page Setup dialog box, then the printer on the Ripplestone server will need to be selected as the default printer.


If you cannot make the printer the default printer, then the No Printer option will need to be un-checked and the report will need to be re-published to Ripplestone.  Once the report has been re-published it can be printed to any printer.  This seems to be a limitation within the Crystal Reports Runtime Engine
