Report Management Made Easy!

Ripplestone Release 2.9.11

By - Brenda
06.09.12 01:53 PM




With version 2.9.11, Ripplestone continues to improve the scheduler and add features to give you more information about the reports and users within Ripplestone.

We will continually strive to look for ways to make Ripplestone the easiest tool for managing Crystal Reports and Microsoft Office Documents.


Report parameters

Fixed issue when Report is getting a parameter from a Stored procedure

The parameter display was updated when a report is getting parameters from a store procedure it displays a “Set to Null” checkbox on the parameter page.



Fixed issue with date parameters with default values

If a parameter is of type Date or DateTime and it has a list of values, the parameter page will display a list of the date values.


Fixed issue with text parameters with no default value

If a parameter has no default value the parameter page will display a text box to allow the user to enter a value.


Scheduler Changes

Added option to Use the users within a role for row level security

This allows the scheduler to loop through the users within a role and use the UserID or User ID tokens for the Row Level Security value. This simulates the process of when a user runs the report. When this report is run from the scheduler, it will be run once for each user in the role using the Row Level Security information to filter the report data for each user.


Adding option to use the email address stored in the user profile to send report

This allows the scheduler to loop though the users within a role and use their email address to send the report. This allows the administrator to manage the users in the role and saves them from managing the email list in the scheduler. Additional email addresses can still be entered into the To box for people that are not in the Role.



General items

Added field on the edit document page to display the document id

A new field was added on the Edit Document page to display the Document ID field. This is useful when using the RS Express feature.

Added new usage tab to the edit document page

A new tab was added to the Edit Document page that will display usage statistic for that document. The tab will display the number of times that the Crystal Report or document was run, the date that it was last run, display information on the last 10 runs and the top 10 users that run this Crystal Report or document.



Added new usage tab to the edit user page

A new tab was added to the Edit User page that will display usage statistic for that user. The tab will display the last date the user logged into Ripplestone, how many times they has logged in, display the last 10 Crystal Reports or document they have run and the top 10 Crystal Reports or document they run.


Changed the system setup & configuration page for administrator

Permissions were changed on the System Setup and Configuration page for Administrators. Users that are in a Role with Administrator permissions can now only change the Troubleshooting Tab. Users that are in a Role with Super User permissions can change the other options.



Bug Fixes

Adding a new report will use the default viewer

When publishing a new Crystal Report, the system will use the default viewer set in the System Setup & Configuration page.

Fixed issue with logging into crystal reports that have a sub report

Fixed an issue on some reports that had sub reports where they would not correctly login to the data for the sub report.

Fixed issue with System using Access for the Ripplestone database

Fixed an issue that occurred when an Administrator was creating a new Folder and needed to assign the security to the administrator and the Ripplestone application was using Access for the database.

Fixed issue with security for administrator

Fixed a bug when Administrators where getting a list of users that the administrator is allow to see. They were able to see all the users in the system and this is only available to the Super User.

Fixed issue with Folder security for administrator

Fixed a bug when Administrators where opening or viewing a folder where they didn’t have permissions to view the folder.
