Report Management Made Easy!

Running Ripplestone on Vista and Windows Server 2008

By - Brenda
16.06.09 06:34 AM

I was working with a Ripplestone client to get the software installed on a Vista PC and had a do a few things different than if this was XP Pro or Windows Server 2003.  The main differences were that Vista and Windows Server 2008 use IIS 7 and the .NET framework 1.1 is not installed by default.

I started with the following article on setting up Vista and Windows 2008 to run an ASP.NET 1.1 application.

Install ASP.NET 1.1 with IIS7

Once I got ASP.NET 1.1 installed and configured, I need to make sure that Crystal Reports was installed correctly with the Ripplestone installer.  This was just a matter of checking the permissions and testing the running of a report within Ripplestone.

All together it took an extra 30 minutes to get everything installed and configured correctly.
